Need Analysis of Using Button Seed Boards Based on Performance Assessment as Mathematics Learning Media for Elementary Schools in Kudus District
Needs analysis, performance assessment, button seed board, mathematics learningAbstract
This research investigates the significance of utilizing button board media in mathematics education, particularly for teaching addition of whole numbers. The study adopts a qualitative approach and involves first-grade students from two different elementary schools within a sub-district of Kudus City, with 25 students from SD 2 Demaan and 23 students from SD 2 Mlatinorowito, along with their two homeroom teachers. Data were collected through non-test methods, specifically interviews. The findings indicate that button board media, when used as a mathematics learning tool, is essential for enhancing students' understanding of place value and facilitating the addition of integers. The use of this media was shown to significantly improve learning outcomes, as students were better able to engage with the material and perform addition tasks more effectively. The study concludes that performance assessment-based button board media is crucial in increasing student engagement, preventing boredom, and improving comprehension of mathematical concepts.
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