Virtual Reality-Based Media for Islamic Financial Literacy: A Shift in the New Anti-Usury Educational Strategy
virtual reality, digital generation, Islamic financial literacy, usuryAbstract
A digital generation is growing up surrounded by virtual technology; they prefer learning in a virtual world by using technology. Educational strategies must respond to this generation’s learning preferences and change to provide them with sufficient knowledge. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of VR-based learning media for improving knowledge about Islamic finance, specifically about usury. The experiment was conducted at Muhammadiyah Sapen Indonesia Elementary School, with 20 students as the treatment group and 20 students as the control group. On average the students agree that VR-based Islamic financial learning media is easy to use, it makes the learning process more motivating and increases their understanding. The results show there is a significant difference in the increase knowledge of usury between the treatment and control groups. This research contributes to the learning of Islamic financial literacy by developing and testing the effectiveness of VR-based learning media to improve students' knowledge about usury.
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