Development of “PRO Rakyat" Application for Cost Reduction and Effectiveness of Examination
paper-based exam,, computer-based test, examinationAbstract
Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards, explains that the government and education units need to assess student learning outcomes. Technological advances coupled with the call of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to carry out the Computer-Based National Examination made paper-based exam began to be abandoned. This research uses the research and development method with the analytic, design, development, implementation and evaluation (ADDIE) model. However, in practice, there are still many educational units that have not been able to carry out due to various reasons including not having adequate infrastructure. Therefore a computer-based test model and or smartphone that is designed can be used without the need for high-specification devices. This model was designed with open source software namely Debian, NGINX, PHP-FPM, Moodle, PostgreSQL, and PFSense. The concept of the server is optimized so that only one server can accommodate hundreds of students in one session without requiring high specifications. Finding of the research are; testing using a computer and/or smartphone does not require high specifications on either the client or server-side, the interface that is designed neatly and simply makes it easy for test-takers to operate the application, test takers become more free and calm in carrying out exams using computers and or smartphones, exams using computers and/or smartphones have more flexibility in terms of question variations, exams using computers and / or smartphones are more cost-effective, exams using computers and/or smartphones are more desirable than paper exams.
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