The Archetype of Intellectual Function: Problems of Description and Research
Archetype, analytical psychology, icarus complex, drive system, szondi testAbstract
The article from the perspective of the theory of drives Szondi discusses the motivational and volitional foundations of the organization of the archetype of intellectual functions. It is postulated that archetypical structures are not only a priori existing mechanisms of cognition from the point of view of the formation of an individual's mental experience at an early age, but also influence all subsequent processes of the development of cognitive functioning. The concept of “Icaric palindrome” is introduced a specific system of organization of emotional-volitional processes in individuals who represent the anthropic form of the archetype of an intellectual function.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Mariam Ravilievna Arpentieva, Andrey Askarovich Badalov, Stepan Sergeevich Kalinin , Svetlana Nikolaevna Brovkina, Aleksandr Anatolievich Sorokin , Gulzhaina Kuralbaevna Kassymova, Petr Viktorovich Menshikov

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