Christian Values and Its Implication to Community Development as Reflected by Juvenile Delinquency Rate at Benguet State University-Elementary Laboratory School in La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines
Value,Juvenile Delinquency,CommunityAbstract
The purpose of this study is to determine the association of the Christian Values Education to the child development and how it contributes to school community development at Benguet State University Elementary Laboratory School. Specifically, the study sought to determine the relationship between the manifestation of Christian values and child development and the implication of Christian values education to the school community development. The study utilized the descriptive correlation design. The study was done at the Benguet State University Elementary Laboratory School and BSU Guidance Office in La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines. The most of identified Christian values have generally affected the five domains of holistic development of the pupils because the school teachers have religiously inculcated values into their teachings and daily disciplines in school. However, the physical were less affected by the values of repentance, obedience, and responsibility. Likewise, cognitive domains of development was less affected by hope, trustworthiness and responsibility because which can be attributed to the rightful values that the teaching at the school were able to instill in the pupils with the sound jurisdiction of good and bad behaviors. Christian values education and holistic child development contributes in minimizing juvenile delinquency rate that leads to community development because a community with a very low delinquency rate implies a good community.
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