A confirmatory analysis of the prevention insider threat in organization information system
Insider threat, Insider attack, Protection Motivation Theory, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Information SystemAbstract
Many issues related to insider threat in organization had been debated ever since. Although insider attacks may not occur as frequently as external attacks, they have a higher rate of success, go undetected, and pose a much greater risk than external adversaries. In relation to that, it is undeniably the fact that many mechanisms have been proposed to be an initiative to protect data from outside attacks. However, those mechanisms could not protect data from authorized users who may misuse their privileges. Due to that circumstances, the development of mechanisms that protect sensitive data from insiders somehow become pitch demand as in method to prevent harm caused by malicious insiders. The method of this research is the quantitative method using a questionnaire. The findings have contributed to developing a framework that will be used to prevent insider threat in an organization in the future.
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