Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) on Interactive Learning Media
Interactive Learning Media, Problem Based Learning.Abstract
The objectives of this reseacrh was to (1) analyze the need of implementation of Problem Based Learning on interactive learning media based, and (2) to analyze the implementation of Problem Based Learning on interactive learning media. This qualitative decriptive research used observation, interview, and documentation study techniques by using the researcher as the main instrument. The data was analyzed by data reduction, explanation, comparisson, and data conclusion. The data validity was done through triangulation. Based on the results obtained atexpert assessment of the qualifications for the application of Problem Based Learning in interactive learning media, it is known that the stages in Problem Based Learning can be adopted and applied in interactive learning media. The application of the PBL model in the form of interactive learning media is very suitable for use in class 4 social studies learning.This interactive learning media can help student learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, so that learning is intertwined in two directions even without meeting face to face.
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