The Development of Mobile Application Security Through Encryption
Mobile application, text encryption, image encryption, ciphertext, text decryption, image decryptionAbstract
This paper aims to propose a security solution for android users. Recently, there have been many cases of lost mobile devices since the advent of a new norm during the COVID-19 pandemic. This had impacted victims as it resulted in the loss of sensitive personal information. Therefore, the community must always take precautions to protect personal data from cases of data loss. With the increase in advanced technology, the ISY Mobile Crypt (IMC) application was developed. This mobile security application can store personal data, thus in the event of a device loss data can be compromised and restored. The IMC was developed by using the rapid application development (RAD) approach. The IMC can encrypt and decrypt data which can be obtained through Firebase. This application assists android users to increase their data security by converting plaintext to an alternative type of ciphertext. The IMC requires a key to store, encrypt and decrypt data. The application can benefit android users by keeping their data safe and accessible in the form of images and text. Without a set key no one can access their personal data if their phones are lost or stolen.
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