Augmented Reality Application: An Approaches to Enhance Students Motivation in Learning PC Assembly
Augmented reality application, Student Motivation, Personal Computer AssemblyAbstract
One of the new technologies that has begun to spark high interest among educators in the context of pedagogy is Augmented Reality (AR) technology. This paper examines the effect of the use of AR application on student motivation based on 4 dimensions in the ARCS Model, namely Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction. This study uses an experimental study with a one-group pre-post design type. This research examines the differences in students learning motivation before and after using AR applications in learning Introduction to Computer System Course. A total of 41 respondents who used the AR application answered the pre and post questionnaires. The results show that the use of AR application has successfully increased student motivation by 20.10 %. Percentage values for each ARCS dimension and difference tests showed significant values. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the use of technology such AR applications in classroom has affected the enthusiasm and motivation of student. Therefore, an educator has to form a teaching style in teaching millennial student who raised with technology at their fingertips by integrating technology in education to providing better teaching and learning opportunities, especially to the next generation.
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