Development of 21st Century 4C Skills E-Module for Zhumadian Vocational and Technical College Students
4C skills, 21stcentury skills, learning moduleAbstract
The 4Cs, consisting of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity, refer to 21st century skills that need to be applied in a variety of situations. Furthermore, 21st century skills are essential in today’s global marketplace. China needs to learn from new experiences of educational reform in other countries. The aim of this study is to develop an e-module of 21st century 4C skills (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity) for students at Zhumadian Vocational and Technical College. This study will use the modified ADDIE model for the development of the 4C skills e-module. 5 experts and 218 lecturers were selected as a sample for the study. The experts filled in the expert evaluation form to evaluate the functionality of the e-module and the lecturers filled in the questionnaire form to evaluate its usability, and three experts ensured the validity of the expert evaluation form and the questionnaire. SPSS 26.0 was used for data analysis to evaluate the e-module. The results of this study showed that five experts considered the e-module to be highly functional in terms of format, content, language, media display and interactivity. The 218 lecturers who participated in the questionnaire also found the e-module highly functional in terms of usability, ease of use, attractiveness, and clarity. At the same time, experts and lecturers agreed that the e-module is an effective learning material that can have a positive and effective impact on students' learning of the 4C skills.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Zhao Zhang, Noor Aliff Zainuddin, Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh, Azis Nabawi Rahmat, Risfendra, Mohamad Ikhwan Juhari

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