Customer Experience Towards Contactless Payment Service Practices in the Pandemic COVID-19 Era. A Case Study: Fast Food Restaurants
Contactless payment, customer experience, factors influencing contactless payment usabilityAbstract
Fast food restaurants have faced a new norm in which all services operate with minimal contact, but this poses a significant problem for some. This issue is supported by the current scenario, which demonstrates a lack of customer readiness to use technology during the payment process. Furthermore, cash payment is still the most popular method of payment among consumers. At the same time, the lack of research into the user experience with contactless payment remains a concern. As a result, this study investigates the customer experience with contactless payment and the factors that influence such perception. An exploratory case study with a qualitative approach was used as the design. Purposive sampling was used to select participants for this study, which consisted of customers who walked into fast-food restaurants. Interviews and observations were used to collect data for this study. All interviews and observations will be verbatim transcribed. As a result, there is one component that is the most prominent and has been classed as a novel finding which is perceived risk, followed by perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, effort expectancy, performance expectancy and social influences. The findings of this study are expected to spark a surge in improving service quality and contactless service in fast-food restaurants.
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