Development of Scratch Applications for Virtual Smart Homes in Teaching Electronic Components in Electronic Design for Design and Tech Subjects
Teaching aids, electronic components, Scratch application, design and technologyAbstract
This study aims to develop teaching aids through the Scratch application for the subtopic of parts found in microcontrollers in the context of electronic components based on ADDIE theory. The Scratch application development method for a virtual smart home as a teaching aid for electronic components in electronic design for the subject of Design and Technology, using the ADDIE model design method and the design of this study is a qualitative study using the interview method. A total of 10 experts in the fields of Design and Technology and Technical and Vocational were involved as respondents to this study. Through interviews with experts, the majority of experts, 9 out of 10 experts, agree that the use of the Scratch application can help students better understand the subtopics of the parts found in microcontrollers and aspects of developing a Scratch application for a virtual smart home that consists of graphics, a total of 8 people experts from 10 satisfied experts. The main implication of the study is that the lack of applications that can be detected gives rise to improvements to strengthen the usability of the Scratch application for these electronic components more effectively as a teaching aid.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Muadzatul Athirah Mazlan, Mohamed Nor Azhari Azman, David. G Evans, Hendri Pratama, Vicky Tan Ai Lin

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