Investigating Future Learning of Electronic Module Through Thematic Analysis in Secondary School: A Need Analysis
Augmented Reality, Digital Education, 2D Simulation, Electronic Module, Design and TechnologyAbstract
The Design and Technology (RBT) subject aims to equip student with knowledge, skills, and values in design, fostering critical, creative, and innovative thinking. However, the RBT curriculum, especially in electronic design, necessitates new teaching methods to align with updated Curriculum and Assessment Standard (DSKP) content. Current curriculum gaps include insufficient coverage of visualization skills essential for understanding electronics. This study investigates the need for developing 2-Dimensional (2D) simulation and AR module through qualitative research. Semi-structured interviews with five experienced RBT teachers were conducted, and the data were analysed by thematic analysis. The analysis revealed one major theme: the overview and expectations for the 2D simulation and AR module in the electronic design topic. This theme encompasses four sub-themes: challenges in the electronic design topic, resources for the electronic design module, contents of the module, and instructional strategy. The study underscores the urgent need for 2D simulation and AR modules to address these challenges and enhance students' understanding, and improve engagement. This approach aims to bridge gaps in the educational system, offering significant benefits to teachers, researchers, and the Ministry of Education.
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