The Effect of Carpenal Media on Metacognitive Abilities in Human Growth and Development Material for Elementary School


  • Dessy Fitria Berlianti Muria Kudus University, Jl. UMK North Ring, Gondangmanis, Bae, Kudus – 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Nur Fajrie Muria Kudus University, Jl. UMK North Ring, Gondangmanis, Bae, Kudus – 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA



Learning Media, Media Influence, Metacognitive Ability


Learning media is closely related to the learning process with the Merdeka curriculum, because the existence of learning media really helps clarify and visualize theories or material in subjects that are easier to understand. So, to create a pleasant learning atmosphere and broaden students' horizons, learning media is a support for these learning activities. As in this research, in class V of SD Nganguk there are still minimal learning activities carried out using learning media so that students' metacognitive abilities are lacking, students even complain about this because the learning tends to be monotonous, so students feel bored and not enthusiastic about the learning process. Thus, researchers found a solution, namely the existence of KARPENAL media, which can certainly help overcome student boredom in learning, and make it easier for students to understand the learning material. So that learning becomes varied and more fun. Therefore, the researcher conducted research to test how much influence KARPENAL media had on metacognitive abilities in fifth grade students at Nganguk Elementary School using the Pre-Experiment One Group Pretest-Posttest quantitative research method. Apart from that, the researcher tested the data using the T test with the help of the SPSS application. .20 where in the results of the analysis before treatment using KARPENAL media students' metacognitive abilities were still at 60-70%, which is different from the posttest score after treatment using KARPENAL media which produced a value of 75-86% with the results of the t test in SPSS 20 statistical data which If results are obtained with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference. Shows the influence of KARPENAL media on students' metacognitive abilities.


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How to Cite

Berlianti, D. F., & Fajrie, N. (2021). The Effect of Carpenal Media on Metacognitive Abilities in Human Growth and Development Material for Elementary School. Journal of Technology and Humanities, 2(2), 37-42.

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