The Effect of Game-Based Learning Model on Students' Cognitive Abilities on Eclipse Material in Science Learning for Elementary Schools
Learning Model, Influence of Learning Model, Cognitive AbilityAbstract
The world of education should be able to create innovation and positive change aimed at improving the quality of education. Learning can be changed from conventional learning to non-conventional learning by involving students to be more active and interactive. In this case, one realization of the transfer of learning from conventional to non-conventional is by adapting technology in the world of education. The development of increasingly sophisticated technology must be utilized in the educational environment. However, in the current era there are still many teachers who do not understand or understand the use of technology and how to apply it in the world of education. Many teachers with a learning model still use the lecture model. In fact, science learning at elementary school level must be fun and attract a lot of students' attention. In its implementation, science learning in elementary schools can really implement technology in it, so that teachers as educational staff can make it easier to deliver the material they present to students so that it is more interesting and flexible in order to improve students' cognitive abilities. Indicators are intended to measure how successful the implementation of the Game Based Learning learning model is on the level of cognitive abilities of students in grade 6 at Nganguk Elementary School. There were changes based on the pretest in the form of a questionnaire carried out before implementing the Game Based Learning learning model, the value of students' cognitive abilities was still 65% -75%, different after implementing the Game Based Learning learning model by giving a posttest in the form of a questionnaire, the value of students' cognitive abilities changed by 75% -90% with the t test assisted by the SPSS 20 application, a significance value of 0.000 <0.05 was found, so it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between before and after implementing the Game Based Learning learning model.Downloads
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