The Role of Parents in Developing Cognitive Intelligence of Elementary School-Age Children
cognitive development, parents, primary school-age children, motivation, collaboratorAbstract
This qualitative research with case study method aims to describe the crucial role of parents in developing cognitive intelligence of elementary school-age children. Focusing on SDN 1 Pojok, Tawangharjo Sub-district, Grobogan Regency, this research involved parents and teachers of grades 1-3 as the main subjects. Through interviews, observations and documentation, this study revealed three main roles of parents: motivator, facilitator and collaborator. As motivators, parents encourage their children's enthusiasm for learning. As facilitators, they provide the environment and resources that support the learning process. Furthermore, as collaborators, parents work closely with teachers to monitor children's development on an ongoing basis. The results of this study confirm that the active role of parents is key in optimizing cognitive development of primary school-age children. By being motivators, facilitators and collaborators, parents create a positive synergy that encourages children to reach their full potential. This study not only provides a comprehensive picture of the role of parents but also offers recommendations for parents and schools to improve the quality of education for primary school-age children. With a better understanding of their respective roles, parents and teachers can work together effectively to support children's holistic cognitive development.
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