Fun Learning for Primary School Students
learning while playing method, educational games, mathematical snakes and ladders, learning motivation, social skills and fun learningAbstract
This research aims to explore and understand how the learning while playing method can create a fun and effective learning environment for grade 3 students at SD Negeri 3 Plosorejo, Tawangharjo District, totaling 24 students. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation studies.The results showed that the use of educational games, such as mathematical snakes and ladders, significantly increased students' learning motivation. Students showed high enthusiasm and active involvement during learning sessions. Apart from that, students' numeracy skills also improved because of the practical and fun approach applied in this game.These educational games also promote cooperation and communication between students, which is important for their social development. Students learn to interact with their classmates, work in teams, and resolve conflict in a constructive way.This research concludes that the method of learning while playing through educational games not only improves academic results but also develops social skills that are important for students' holistic development. The integration of innovative methods in learning can create a more meaningful and enjoyable learning experience, helping students reach their full potential and preparing them for future success.
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