The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model on Students' Critical Thinking Ability at SDN 2 Pecangaan


  • Muhammad Ichsan Abdul Lathif Muria Kudus University, Jl. UMK North Ring, Gondangmanis, Bae, Kudus – 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Nur Fajrie Muria Kudus University, Jl. UMK North Ring, Gondangmanis, Bae, Kudus – 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA



Problem based learning, Learning Activity, Elementary School


Problem-based learning model is a learning model in which children are given a real problem, so as to grow the curiosity of students to find the solution together with the group. This study aims to determine the activeness of students using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model with a conventional model on the volume of space building material of class IV SD 2 students. This research method is quantitative research with the research design used in this study is Pre Experimental Designs with the type of one group pretest-posttest Design. The data analysis technique in this study uses descriptive quantitative. normality test to test whether the data is normally distributed or not. Homogeneity test is used to test the instrument relationship. The data was then processed with a simple linear regression test and tested t. The sample used was all 4th grade students of SDN 2 Pecangaan with a total of 40 students. From the results of data analysis and discussion above, it can be concluded that the problem-based learning model can increase student learning activeness at SDN 2 Pecangaan. This is evidenced in hypothesis testing of pre and post test results where the sig (2-tailed) value shows 0.000 or sig (2-tailed) <0.05 so it can be concluded that Ho is rejected or there is an average difference between the pre test and post test. The average value increased from the pretest of 70.5 and to the posttest of 76.2.


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How to Cite

Abdul Lathif, M. I. ., & Fajrie, N. (2021). The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability at SDN 2 Pecangaan. Journal of Technology and Humanities, 2(1), 75-79.

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